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Quebec - Weather Conditions and Forecast by Locations

This hour's hot and cold spots ...

Hot spot in Quebec: 20.1 °C68.2 °F Frelighsburg

Cold spot in Quebec: -3.2 °C26.2 °F Pingualuit (Parc national)

Hot spot in Canada: 22.9 °C73.2 °F Upper Stewiacke, NS

Cold spot in Canada: -11.0 °C12.2 °F Mould Bay, NT

Quebec Baie-Comeau Blanc-Sablon Cap Chat Chibougamau Gaspé Inukjuak Kuujjuaq Kuujjuarapik La Tuque Maniwaki Montréal Québec Rivière-du-Loup Saguenay Salluit Sept-Îles Sherbrooke Trois-Rivières Umiujaq Val-d'Or
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