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Explorer - northwestern half: Regional Summary

Buoys [ Land Stations ]

This table is a summary of weather conditions from buoys in a marine area.
Please note that these observations might not always be representative of weather conditions over their associated marine area.

Wind(knots) Wave height(m) Wave period(s) Pressure(kPa) Air tempC) Water tempC)
English Bay - 46304 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
WNW 13 gusts 16 0.60 3.4 101.3 18 17
Halibut Bank - 46146 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
W 16 gusts 19 0.59 3.8 101.3 18 18
La Perouse Bank - 46206 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
WNW 7 gusts 9 1.57 9.5 101.3 15 14
Sentry Shoal - 46131 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NW 9 gusts 10 0.10 2.1 101.4 18 16
South Brooks - 46132 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
WNW 22 gusts 25 1.81 9.1 101.4 15 13
South Hecate Strait - 46185 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
6 gusts 8 0.60 9.5 101.8 16 17
South Moresby - 46147 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
N/A 1.50 9.1 101.8 14 15
South Nomad - 46036 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
WSW 3 gusts 4 1.60 9.1 101.9 N/A N/A

If you require additional historical weather information please visit Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Land Stations [ Buoys ]

This table is a summary of weather conditions from weather stations in a marine area.
Please note that these observations might not always be representative of weather conditions over their associated marine area.

Wind(knots) Conditions Visibility(km) Pressure(kPa) Air tempC) Relative humidity(%) Dew pointC) Humidex
Ballenas Islands 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
W 17 N/A N/A 101.3 18 90 17 *
Bella Bella Airport 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NNW 5 N/A 16 101.7 18 85 16 *
Bella Coola Airport 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
W 4 Partly Cloudy 24 101.5 23 57 14 26
Campbell River Airport 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
WNW 8 Sunny 48 101.4 24 60 15 28
Cape St.James 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
WNW 11 N/A N/A 101.8 15 96 15 *
Cathedral Point 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NNE 5 N/A N/A 101.6 20 82 17 *
Comox Airport 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NNW 8 Sunny 32 101.4 21 63 13 24
Discovery Island 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NNW 6 N/A N/A 101.2 20 68 14 24
Entrance Island 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
WNW 19 N/A N/A 101.3 19 81 15 *
Esquimalt Harbour 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
S 5 N/A N/A 101.3 16 84 13 *
Estevan Point 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NW 6 N/A N/A 101.3 17 87 15 *
Fanny Island 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
WNW 16 N/A N/A 101.6 13 100 13 *
Grief Point 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
WNW 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A *
Herbert Island 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
WNW 1 N/A N/A 101.7 14 97 13 *
Howe Sound - Pam Rocks 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
ESE 3 N/A N/A 101.2 21 61 14 24
Kelp Reefs 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
N 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A *
Malahat 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
N/A N/A N/A 101.3 25 52 15 29
Nanaimo Airport 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NE 6 Sunny 40 101.3 26 51 15 30
Point Atkinson 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
WNW 7 N/A N/A 101.2 19 82 15 *
Port Alberni 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
calm N/A N/A 101.4 25 53 15 28
Port Hardy Airport 12:06 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NNE 3 Mist 2 101.6 14 100 14 *
Port Mellon 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
calm N/A N/A 101.3 25 52 15 29
Powell River Airport 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
W 6 Mainly Sunny 48 101.4 21 71 15 25
Qualicum Beach Airport 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NW 4 N/A N/A 101.5 22 56 13 25
Race Rocks Lightstation 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
ESE 6 N/A N/A 101.3 19 71 14 *
Sand Heads Lightstation 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NW 13 N/A N/A N/A 18 88 16 *
Sartine Island 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NNE 10 gusts 16 N/A N/A 101.7 14 100 14 *
Saturna Island 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
SSW 3 N/A N/A 101.3 21 72 15 25
Sechelt 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
W 4 N/A N/A 101.3 21 71 16 25
Sheringham Point 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
E 3 N/A N/A 101.4 19 69 13 *
Sisters Islets 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
WNW 11 N/A N/A 101.4 18 79 15 *
Solander Island 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NNW 30 N/A N/A 101.4 14 95 13 *
Squamish Airport 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NNW 5 N/A N/A 101.2 27 33 10 29
Tofino Airport 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
S 5 Partly Cloudy 24 101.3 20 78 16 *
Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NNW 10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A *
Vancouver 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
WNW 9 N/A N/A 101.3 21 91 19 28
Vancouver Harbour 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
N/A N/A N/A N/A 21 73 16 25
Vancouver Int'l Airport 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
WNW 13 Mostly Cloudy 32 101.3 20 86 18 26
Victoria Gonzales 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
N 5 N/A N/A 101.3 24 55 15 28
Victoria Int'l Airport 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
E 3 Mostly Cloudy 48 101.3 24 57 15 27
Victoria, University of 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
NNE 6 N/A N/A 101.3 23 57 14 26
West Vancouver 12:00 PM PDT 07 September 2024
SSW 2 N/A N/A 101.3 24 54 14 27

If you require additional historical weather information, please visit Climate Data Online

[ Buoys ] [ Land Stations ]

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Map of Pacific - South Coast marine weather areas South Nomad - 46036 Sentry Shoal - 46131 South Brooks - 46132 Halibut Bank - 46146 South Moresby - 46147 South Hecate Strait - 46185 West Sea Otter - 46204 La Perouse Bank - 46206 East Dellwood - 46207 Georgia Strait - 46303 English Bay – 46304 Discovery Island Esquimalt Harbour Kelp Reefs Malahat Race Rocks Lightstation Saturna Island Sheringham Point University of Victoria Victoria Gonzales Victoria Int'l Airport Ballenas Islands Campbell River Airport Comox Airport Entrance Island Fanny Island Nanaimo Airport Port Hardy Airport Sisters Islets Estevan Point Port Alberni Sartine Island Solander Island Tofino Airport Grief Point Howe Sound - Pam Rocks Powell River Airport Sechelt Squamish Airport Cape St.James Bella Bella Airport Bella Coola Airport Cathedral Point Herbert Island Point Atkinson Sand Heads Lightstation Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Vancouver Int'l Airport Vancouver Harbour West Vancouver
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