Hudson - Hudson Bay: Current Conditions
Kangiqsualujjuaq Airport
02:27 PM EST 13 January 2025Wind (knots) | SE 11 | Air temperature (°C) | -12 |
Conditions | Mostly Cloudy | Relative humidity (%) | 78 |
Visibility (km) | 24 | Dew point temperature (°C) | -16 |
Pressure and tendency (kPa) | 101.5 ↓ | Wind Chill | -21 |
Sunrise | -- | Sunset | -- |
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Land Station
Hudson - Hudson Bay Area
- Arviat - eastern half
- Arviat - western half
- Baker
- Belcher
- Central - eastern half
- Central - western half
- Churchill - eastern half
- Churchill - western half
- Coats - northern half
- Coats - southern half
- East Foxe
- Frobisher Bay
- James Bay - northern half
- James Bay - southern half
- Lake Winnipegosis
- Lake Winnipeg - north basin
- Northwest Labrador Sea - northwestern half
- North Labrador Coast
- Nottingham - eastern half
- Nottingham - western half
- Puvirnituq
- Rankin - northern half
- Rankin - southern half
- Resolution - eastern half
- Resolution - western half
- Roes Welcome - northern half
- Roes Welcome - southern half
- South Hudson - eastern half
- South Hudson - western half
- South-central Hudson - eastern half
- South-central Hudson - western half
- Ungava - eastern half
- Ungava - western half
- West Brevoort - southern half
- West Foxe
- York - eastern half
- York - western half
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