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Gulf - Magdalen - eastern half


Marine Forecast

Issued 03:00 AM AST 20 January 2025

Today Tonight and Tuesday.

Gale warning in effect.

Wind northerly 20 knots except southeasterly 25 with gusts to 45 from Margaree Harbour to Bay St. Lawrence early this morning. Wind becoming northwesterly 35 this morning then diminishing to west 30 near midnight. Wind west 30 Tuesday.

Periods of rain and fog patches ending near noon. Snow overnight and Tuesday. Visibility 1 mile or less in fog patches and in snow.

Freezing spray warning in effect.

Freezing spray beginning this evening.

Temperatures plus 1 falling to minus 10 Tuesday morning.


Issued 05:00 AM AST 20 January 2025

Gulf - Magdalen - northern half

Today Tonight and Tuesday. Seas 2 metres building to 3 to 4 early this afternoon then subsiding to 2 to 3 Tuesday evening.

Gulf - Magdalen - southern half

Today Tonight and Tuesday. Seas 1 to 2 metres building to 2 to 3 this morning then subsiding to 1 to 2 Tuesday evening.

Extended Forecast

Issued 03:00 AM AST 20 January 2025
Wednesday Wind northwesterly 25 knots.
Thursday Wind westerly 25 knots.
Friday Wind west 30 knots.

Ice Forecast

Issued 10:00 AM EST 19 January 2025 Today Tonight and Monday Open water except consolidated grey ice along parts of the coast. 

[ Canadian Ice Service ]

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Weather Conditions

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Map of Atlantic - Newfoundland marine weather areas Banquereau - 44139 East Chedabucto Bay – 44488 West Chedabucto Bay – 44489 Blanc-Sablon Airport Cap Whittle Chevery Natashquan Airport Heath Point Îles de la Madeleine Airport Miscou Island Eskasoni (First Nations) Grand Étang Ingonish Beach North Mountain St.Paul Island J.A. Douglas McCurdy Sydney Airport Charlottetown Airport East Point North Cape Argentia Berry Hill Bonavista Burgeo Cape Race Corner Brook Daniel's Harbour Englee Ferolle Point La Scie Port aux Basques Sagona Island St. Anthony Airport St. John's Int'l Airport St. Lawrence Stephenville Airport Twillingate Winterland Branch Hill Wreckhouse Grates Cove Pool's Island Marticot Island Long Pond Cartwright Airport Mary's Harbour
buoy Buoy
land station Land Station
Ice Conditions

Ice Forecasts

Issued 10:00 AM EST 19 January 2025 Today Tonight and Monday

Ice Edge

First ice edge estimated from New Brunswick near 4441N 6709W to
4432N 6648W to 4520N 6519W to Nova Scotia near 4511N 6440W. Sea ice
northeast of the ice edge.

Second ice edge estimated from Nova Scotia near 4608N 5948W to 4612N
5948W to 4626N 6018W to 4652N 6015W to Nova Scotia near 4700N 6024W.
Sea ice west of the ice edge.

Third ice edge estimated from Nova Scotia near 4611N 6125W to 4633N
6157W to 4640N 6315W to 4721N 6415W to 4847N 6354W to 4937N 6445W to
Anticosti Island near 4924N 6336W. Sea ice west of the ice edge.

Fourth ice edge estimated from Anticosti Island near 4908N 6140W to
4914N 6132W to 4957N 6217W to 4959N 6000W to 5101N 5742W to 4831N
5926W to Newfoundland near 4802N 5914W. Sea ice north then east of
the ice edge.

Fifth ice edge estimated from 4745N 6115W to 4730N 6200W to 4710N
6210W to 4710N 6140W to 4745N 6115W. Sea ice within the ice edge.

Ice Coverage

Open water except consolidated grey ice along parts of the coast.


Iceberg Bulletin

Issued 1:30 PM EST 19 January 2025

Iceberg Limit

Iceberg limit at 0000 UTC 20 Jan estimated from the Labrador coast
near 5457N 5900W to 5530N 5645W to 5630N 5630W to 5910N 5900W to
6050N 5420W to 5840N 4955W then eastwards.

Iceberg Count

No confirmed icebergs.

Warnings (In effect)

Gale warning in effect

Gulf - Magdalen - eastern half

Issued 03:00 AM AST 20 January 2025

'Gale' force winds of 34 to 47 knots are occurring or expected to occur in this marine area. Watch for updated statements. Please refer to the latest marine forecasts for further details and continue to monitor the situation through Canadian Coast Guard radio or Weatheradio stations.

Freezing spray warning in effect

Gulf - Magdalen - eastern half

Issued 03:00 AM AST 20 January 2025

Moderate or severe freezing spray is occurring or expected to occur in this marine area. Please refer to the latest marine forecasts for further details and continue to monitor the situation through Canadian Coast Guard radio or Weatheradio stations.


Technical Marine Synopsis

Issued 3:00 AM AST 20 January 2025 Today Tonight and Tuesday At 3:00 a.m. AST today deepening low 993 mb located over Lurcher.
By 3:30 p.m. AST today low 980 mb located near the Great Northern

At 10:00 a.m. AST Tuesday low 1027 mb located over Lurcher.
By 8:00 p.m. AST Tuesday low 1025 mb located over eastern
Southwestern Shore.

Marine Weather Statement

Issued 2:38 AM AST 20 January 2025 A deepening low pressure system centered over Lurcher this morning
will rapidly move northeastward across the central district this
morning to lie near the Great Northern Peninsula this afternoon.
Gale force southwesterlies will develop south of the low. Strong
northeasterlies north of the low will become strong to gale force
northwesterlies as it passes.

Marine interests are advised that gale warnings are in effect for all
waters except Fundy, Grand Manan, Lurcher, Browns Bank, southwestern
shore, and Northumberland Strait - eastern half. Freezing spray
warnings are in effect for all waters except Browns Bank, Georges
Bank, West Scotian Slope, East Scotian Slope, and Laurentian Fan.

Atlantic - Newfoundland Area

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