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Kingston to Cornwall


Issued 06:30 PM EST 14 January 2025

Forecasts have ended for the season.

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Weather Conditions

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Map of Great Lakes - Lake Huron marine weather areas Port Stanley - 45132 Prince Edward Point - 45135 Georgian Bay - 45137 Grimsby - 45139 Port Colborne - 45142 South Georgian Bay - 45143 Lake St Clair - 45147 South Lake Huron - 45149 Lake Simcoe - 45151 Lake Nipissing - 45152 North Channel - 45154 Ajax - 45159 Sault Ste. Marie Airport Killarney Greater Sudbury Airport North Bay Airport Gore Bay-Manitoulin Airport Great Duck Island Brockville Grenadier Island Kingston Airport Collingwood Lagoon City Muskoka Airport Parry Sound Harbour Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Wiarton Airport Western Islands Cove Island Goderich Sarnia Chris Hadfield Airport Tobermory Harrow AAFC Long Point Port Weller St. Catharines / Niagara District Airport Southeast Shoal Vineland Station Welland-Pelham Windsor Airport Port Colborne Erieau Point Pelee Burlington Lift Bridge Cobourg Hamilton Munro Int'l Airport Oshawa Executive Airport Point Petre Toronto City Centre Airport CFB Trenton Peterborough Municipal Airport
buoy Buoy
land station Land Station
Ice Conditions

There is no ice forecast issued for this area.


No watches or warnings in effect.


Technical Marine Synopsis

Issued 6:30 PM EST 14 January 2025 Tonight and Wednesday At 6:30 p.m. EST tonight departing trough located on a line
east-west over Ottawa.

At 6:30 p.m. EST tonight ridge located on a line north-south
over Duluth.
By 6:30 p.m. EST Wednesday ridge located on a line
northeast-southwest over Sudbury.

At 6:30 p.m. EST tonight trough located on a line north-south
over Saskatchewan.
By 6:30 p.m. EST Wednesday trough located on a line north-south
over Lake of the Woods.

Great Lakes - Lake Huron Area

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