West Brevoort - northern half
Issued 05:00 AM EST 10 February 2025
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Ice Conditions
Ice Forecasts
Issued 11:00 AM EST 10 February 2025 Today Tonight and TuesdayIce Edge
Ice edge estimated from 6200N 5842W to 6242N 5739W thennortheastward. Sea ice west of the ice edge.
Ice Coverage
9 tenths first-year ice including a trace of old ice.
No watches or warnings in effect.
There is no Synopsis issued for this area.
Arctic - Eastern Arctic Area
- Admiralty
- Arviat - eastern half
- Arviat - western half
- Baker
- Barrow
- Boothia
- Byam
- Central Brevoort - northern half
- Central Brevoort - southern half
- Central - eastern half
- Central - western half
- Clarence - northern half
- Clarence - southern half
- Coats - northern half
- Coats - southern half
- Committee
- Cumberland
- East Baffin - northern half
- East Baffin - southern half
- East Brevoort
- East Clyde - northern half
- East Clyde - southern half
- East Davis - northern half
- East Davis - southern half
- East Foxe
- East Labrador Sea
- Eureka - southern half
- Frobisher Bay
- Hassel
- Igloolik
- Jones - eastern half
- Jones - western half
- Kane - southern half
- Lancaster - eastern half
- Lancaster - western half
- Larsen
- Maclean
- Massey
- Maud
- McClintock
- Mid Labrador Coast
- Navy Board
- Northwest Labrador Sea
- North Labrador Coast
- Norwegian
- Nottingham - eastern half
- Nottingham - western half
- Peary
- Peel
- Pond
- Prince Charles
- Puvirnituq - northern half
- Puvirnituq - southern half
- Queens
- Rae
- Rankin - northern half
- Rankin - southern half
- Regent
- Resolution - eastern half
- Resolution - western half
- Roes Welcome - northern half
- Roes Welcome - southern half
- South Labrador Sea
- South Sverdrup
- South-central Hudson - eastern half
- St. Roch
- Ungava
- West Baffin - northern half
- West Baffin - southern half
- West Brevoort - northern half
- West Brevoort - southern half
- West Clyde - northern half
- West Clyde - southern half
- West Davis - northern half
- West Davis - southern half
- West Foxe
Another Region
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