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Roes Welcome - northern half


Issued 05:00 PM CST 10 December 2024

Forecasts have ended for the season.

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Weather Conditions

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Map of Arctic - Western Arctic marine weather areas Herschel Island Komakuk Beach Shingle Point Airport Aklavik Airport Cape Parry Airport Fort Good Hope Airport Tulita Airport Inuvik Airport Keats Point Norman Wells Airport Paulatuk Airport Pelly Island Tuktoyaktuk Airport Liverpool Bay Little Chicago Storm Hills Bathurst Inlet Kugluktuk Airport Gjoa Haven Airport Hat Island Kugaaruk Airport Shepherd Bay Airport Croker River CFS Alert Arctic Bay Cambridge Bay Airport Cape Liverpool Cape Peel West Eureka Airport Fort Ross Gateshead Island Grise Fiord Airport Sanirajak (Hall Beach Airport) Igloolik Airport Isachsen Pond Inlet Airport Rea Point Naujaat Resolute Airport Stefansson Island Cape Stallworthy Taloyoak Airport Nangmagvik Lake Cape Providence Ulukhaktok Airport Sachs Harbour Airport Thomsen River Mould Bay
buoy Buoy
land station Land Station
Ice Conditions

Ice Forecasts

Issued 11:00 AM EST 10 December 2024 Today Tonight and Wednesday

Ice Edge

First ice edge estimated from Quebec near 6015N 6458W to 5900N 6735W
to 6108N 6919W to Charles Island near 6237N 7356W. Sea ice south of
the ice edge.

Second ice edge estimated from Charles Island near 6242N 7438W to
6254N 7715W to 6346N 7358W to 6222N 7037W to 6102N 6440W to 6200N
6401W then northeastward. Sea ice south then north of the ice edge.

Ice Coverage

Forecasts available to mariners upon request.


No watches or warnings in effect.


Technical Marine Synopsis

Issued 4:45 PM EST 10 December 2024 Tonight and Wednesday At 0000 UTC Wednesday quasi-stationary ridge located over eastern
Baffin Island.

At 0000 UTC Wednesday trough from 1007 mb low located from James
Bay to Churchill then to Melville Peninsula.
By 0000 UTC Thursday low 1007 mb located near Belcher Islands.

Arctic - Western Arctic Area

Another Region

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